The #1 Worry Keeping Your Employees Up at Night + How You Can Help

People worry so much about paying monthly expenses they're losing sleep, and they crave help and empathy from their employers.

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In the wake of rising healthcare prices, organizations of all sizes are getting creative to keep costs down and fortify their employee benefits...

What are lifestyle benefits and how can you use them to engage your workforce? We answer those questions and more in this article.

No one knows hero work quite like HR. Through the COVID pandemic and beyond they've conquered adversity and supported their people fearlessly.

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What's Really Stressing out HR Professionals?

The HR Professional’s Stress Index is a comprehensive benchmarking study measuring stress and anxiety among human resource workers. See how your stressors compare with your colleagues around the globe.

11 Positive Strategies to Prevent and Heal Employee Burnout

With employee burnout on the rise, what are you doing to prevent unnecessary stress in your workplace? We give our favorite strategies in this article.

Employee Burnout is Everyone’s Problem: 5 Workplace Dangers...

Employee burnout is on the rise -- and the responsibility for managing it falls to each organization, particularly on those in HR.

Legislative Update: What Secure Act 2.0 and Other New Laws...

It's so important for HR professionals to keep a pulse on legislation and new rules proposed. Only then can you keep your policies and procedures in compliance.

Quiet Termination: What’s Next for HR after Quiet Quitting

The labor shortage has emboldened employees to say "enough is enough" to workplace practices like being forced to work late & bad bosses who "quietly terminate" an otherwise productive employee.

What’s At Risk When HR Professionals Don’t Go Home on Time?

What's at risk when HR professionals chronically stay late after work? A new study shows statistically higher rates of on-the-job stress and anxiety.

Which is More Stressful? HR at a Big or Small Company?

Our new study reveals that HR professionals working at smaller companies tend to have fewer stressors than their colleagues who work at larger companies.

New Study Takes a Deep Dive into HR Stress

The Inaugural HR Professional’s Stress Index is a comprehensive benchmarking study measuring stress and anxiety among those who work in human resources. #HRStressIndex