Are You Ready to Answer the Question: Is AI Coming for my Job?

25-year HR Professional veteran Lisa Oyler gives her top takeaways from the 2023 SHRM conference.

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In the wake of rising healthcare prices, organizations of all sizes are getting creative to keep costs down and fortify their employee benefits...

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No one knows hero work quite like HR. Through the COVID pandemic and beyond they've conquered adversity and supported their people fearlessly.

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Can Employee Perks Make Up for a Crummy Culture? (Kind of.)

Are your employees a mismatch for your company culture? You may be able to help smooth things out with the right selection of benefits and perks.

These Benefits Can Help Your Employees Reduce Financial...

Financial stress is a growing problem that's affecting employees. Here's how your benefits can help mitigate the effects (without adding a lot of costs).

Five Traits of an Effective Flexible Working Arrangement

Most employees want to be able to work when they want, where they want. Here's how to enable such a flexible arrangement without jeopardizing productivity.

The Five Signs of an Employee Benefit that Needs to be Cut

When is the best time to get rid of an employee benefit? Use these five criteria to evaluate your benefits and perks and see which ones should go.

Should You Add That Employee Benefit? A Guide to Selecting...

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Six Employee Benefit Trends You Can Take Advantage of Right...

In the midst of much uncertainty over ACA and FLSA, employee benefits professionals still have massive trends and movements they can take advantage of right now

How Your Company Can Help Employees Keep Their New Year's...

Companies lose billions of dollars due to unhealthy employees. Here's how every company can help employees keep their bold New Year's Resolutions.