Are You Ready to Answer the Question: Is AI Coming for my Job?

25-year HR Professional veteran Lisa Oyler gives her top takeaways from the 2023 SHRM conference.

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In the wake of rising healthcare prices, organizations of all sizes are getting creative to keep costs down and fortify their employee benefits...

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2020 Employee Benefits and Perks Statistics

2020 brought unique challenges to employers and their workers. But some things remained consistent - like the need for quality benefits. As we look to 2021, we've compiled the latest and greatest stats related to employee benefits and perks.

What Problems do Employee Discount Programs Solve?

What can your business expect from an employee discount program? Besides helping employees save money, it can help solve these common business problems.

Employee Loyalty is Good for Business. Is it Good for the...

Everyone knows employee loyalty is great for the company. It isn't always so great for the employee, however. Here's how to make sure loyalty goes both ways.

12 Employee Perks that Build Trust and Camaraderie

Employees who feel connected to coworkers are happier, more productive, and easier to retain. Here's how to make camaraderie part of your employee benefits.

Use These Five Strategies to Guarantee Employee Discount...

Employee discount programs are a fun benefit, but making them work takes effort from both the employer and the vendor. Find success with these strategies.

10 Ways Your Employee Benefits are Actually Hurting Your...

Employee benefits and perks are a great way to stand out from the crowd. But simply having them isn't enough - check out these common mistakes companies make.

2020 Employee Engagement & Loyalty Statistics

We're gathering the most recent data on employee engagement and loyalty as it comes out in 2020, complete with links back to original sources.

Employee Turnover: 5 Reasons Employees Are Dumping Their...

Employee turnover is the highest it's been in a decade, leaving many frustrated employers to figure out what is making their top talent walk away.